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Corporal Barney Dylan Warburton

Personal Details

  • 24658649 Corporal
  • Barney Dylan Warburton
  • 33 Engineer Regiment
  • Royal Engineers

Died on the 19th March 1994. Aged 27.

Buried at Saint Peters Church, Llanbrdr, Gwynedd, in the family plot.

Corporal B. Warburton died whilst making safe numerous large TV Mines, next to the football stadium at Stari Vitez, Bosnia.


  1. Derek Beaumont

    I was serving at UNPROFOR HQ in Sarajevo when news of Cpl Warburton’s death came through. He was an excellent NCO who had previously won the Regimental Section Commander’s competition and almost certainly had a bright future. His loss was sorely felt at the time.

    • Trev

      I served with Barney in Antrim many years earlier and was in Sarajevo wearing another hat when he died. I hadn’t seen him for a long time but it still hit me quite hard when I read of it. I’m assuming we must have met in Sarajevo but don’t remember you. Were you Martin Morris’s replacement?

      • Karl

        Today I remembered Cpl Barney Warburton (Royal Engineers, Bomb disposal), he was killed doing his job clearing mines in Vitez, on the 19th March 1994. I had a good bit of craic with him, prior to his death when he attended the REME workshop in Vitez. I patched a hole in his Land Rover, (caused by a stray bullet that entered the Land Rover not six inches from the back of his head). Being the absolute legend he was, he laughed it off and joked about being ‘inches from death’. He also shared with me some ‘close call’ stories of clearing land mines and anti- personal mines in and around the town of Vitez. Needless to say he was a man of enormous courage and an absolute hero.
        RIP Barney

  2. Ian Dunning

    During my tour as a British Army Photographer serving during Op Grapple in Vitez, I had the honour and privilege of photographing Barney undertaking his duties for publicity purposes. He was a great example of the British Soldier, smart, handsome and a credit to his unit. We spent a good part of the day talking about what he was doing, during this time I captured an image of him that remains with me, this image was used for his obituary. Little did I know that towards the end of my tour I would photograph the unveiling of his memorial tablet in Stari Vitez!
    God Bless you Barney, you were, and always will be a great Sapper

  3. James nield

    I served as part of OP grapple with Barney. He was a beautiful person and a massive character. A lovely guy with a character that just rubbed the bosses up the right amount. His sideburns were legendary and not appreciated by everyone! But a braver better soldier you could never meet. God bless you Barney you legend👊

  4. Paul Peters

    It’s with great sadness that the 30th Anniversary of Barney’s passing is fast approaching on 19/03/2024. I served at the same time as him at 33EOD he was a well respected and loved member of the regiment. His funeral is a sad day that I will never forget may he RIP…

  5. Andy Floyd

    30 years ago and the years fly past, that’s a day burned into my memory i’ll never forget.


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